Google’s PaperPhone

A lot of people feel that they spend too much time on their phones and struggle to find a balance with technology. So, Paperphone is the printable smartphone for the people who want to stay away from smartphone addiction.
Paper Phone helps you have a little break away from your digital world by printing a personal booklet of the key information you’ll need that day.
The awesome people at Google’s experiments team created this all new project where you can add all your day’s activities in the paperphone application and then print it on a paper which can be used by folding it as provided folding instructions.

An app lets you choose what to include such as favourite contacts, maps and meetings and then prints them directly to a sheet of paper. Customisable “paper apps” like recipes, phrasebooks and notepads let you get things done or unwind in a more focussed way.
After adding items, you can print it out easily by adding a printer or if the printer is not available currently or you want to print the paperphone for someone else, then you can export PDF of the paperphone.